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"Consider a TV series as one long film"

The work of composers is no longer being picked up by radio stations first, but rather appear online first, on YouTube or Spotify, which makes music less palpable. In a world where TV series is becoming the new cinema, film music composers also have to be more flexible. Jeff Beal, the composer of 'House of Cards' among others gave the participants the advice to consider a TV series as one long film, and to compose from that viewpoint.
However, TV series bring specific problems. When making a film, the director is the creative brain but for TV series, a show runner or writer is an as important part of the creative process as a director, which causes the composer to search for an agreement on the music both with the director(s) as well as the show runner(s). Jeff Beal personally prefers just one person to communicate with.
Wim Coryn (Belgium) and Maggie Rodford (UK) represented the music supervisors during the Industry Day. Rodford worked for ‘Parade’s End’ among others, while Wim Coryn supervised the music for ‘D’Ardennen’, ‘Bevergem’ and ‘Le Fidèle’. Both music supervisors had a blast offering songs, records and compositions to directors and producers. "The fun side of the job", both said. According to Coryn, it used to be easier to arrange film music since now music should make a connection with the public. Coryn calls for more courage and creativity while composing.
“Tips and Tricks for film/tv/audiovisual media composers” was the best description for the Industry Day since local and international professionals revealed some of their secrets to those who are on the verge of a film/series music career and those who want to keep learning.