Film Music Industry Packages now available

News 25 Jul 2014
Film Fest Gent is proud to present an elaborative music programme with seminars, film music concerts, the World Soundtrack Awards Ceremony & Concert and networking events for professionals.

With the Film Music Industry Packages, professionals can participate to the film music programme as VIPs to participate in unique network opportunities.

Packages include
Transportation Brussels Airport / Hotel / Brussels Airport
Accommodation at one of the high-class official festival hotels (including Sandton)
Festival accreditation (access to the press and industry film screenings)
VIP participation to the music programme (see below) of the festival (1,2, 3 or 4 days).

Look at the complete VIP Film Music Industry Program on the WSA Industry page.

How to apply
Film music professionals can apply to participate to the music programme by filling in the application form through this link.

