Film Music Seminar on October 18th

News 13 Oct 2016
Japanese composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto (‘Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence’, ‘The Last Emperor’, ‘The Revenant’, 'Wild Palms'), American composers Jeff Beal (‘House of Cards’, 'Carnivale', 'Rome') and Jeff Russo (‘Fargo’, 'The Night Of', 'The Returned') and Karsten Fundal (‘Shadow World’) & Johan Grimonprez ('Shadow World') are this year's Film Music Seminar guests. The Film Music Seminar is annually organised by Film Fest Gent in collaboration with the University College, School of Arts and curated by dr. Martine Huvenne. Year after year, important film music professionals teach participants about film music or sound design. This year's Film Music Seminar will mainly focus on TV scoring and will take place on Tuesday 18 October 2016 from 09:30 to 16:30 @ Kinepolis Ghent.

As audiences around the world become more and more addicted to television series, academics are introducing new terms, such as “tele-cinephilia”. Some of these academics assert that the line between film and complex TV dramas is becoming thinner than ever.

What does this mean for film music? Is it a TV music composer’s job to stir up the public’s emotions, to enable them to remain glued to the screen or to unify the different episodes of a series to form a whole? In what way does this task differ from a classic film composer’s métier?
And what about documentary film? Is it still the task of the music to direct the attention or emotion of its audience?
These are the questions and topics the Film Music Seminar will focus on.

For more information about this year's seminar and its speakers, click here.

>> Get prepared for the seminar, listen to our 2016 WSA Concert Spotify playlist!

Film Music Seminar Tuesday 18 October 2016 / 09:30 - 16:30 / Kinepolis 4 (Ter Platen 12, Ghent)
Tickets (€15 / €20)
For group reservations or combi-tickets (combining the Film Music Seminar and Industry Day) please contact our industry desk on