InMICS/ICSS – Round Table discussion

ICSS (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) is a strategic partnership, which aim is to develop an International Master in Composition for Screen (InMICS). It is funded with support from the Erasmus + programme for a three year period (from September, 1st 2014 to August, 31st 2017). This partnership is composed of 4 Higher Education institutions known for their expertise in music composition for audiovisual media and 4 professional partners specialized in the film music industry and showing a great interest in music creation.
From 21 till 23 October the ICSS / InMICS partners will meet again in Ghent. A brief presentation of the project will be given at the Film Music Seminar on Thursday 22 October. During the WSAwards Industry Day on Friday 23 October the first results of the extended survey on film music education will be presented. Six international film music professionals will discuss the results in a debate hosted by Patrick Duynslaegher.
For more information about this project, please check the InMICS-website and the InMICS Facebook-page.