Patrick Duynslaegher Artistic Director of Ghent Film Festival

News 04 Jul 2011
As of 1 September 2011, Patrick Duynslaegher will be the Artistic Director of the Ghent Film Festival. Managing Director Jacques Dubrulle says he is delighted that Patrick has agreed to join the festival team. "This appointment is part of the Board of Directors' plan to further develop the important role the Ghent Film Festival plays in the film culture of Flanders and beyond. Patrick will be able to count on the support of several top team members, who have already won their spurs." Patrick Duynslaegher himself comments: "After many years in film journalism, I am thrilled that I can now put my passion for cinema to good use serving the most dynamic film festival in Belgium. I am joining an enthusiastic team to develop new initiatives and ideas in the fast-evolving image culture, surrounded by an explosion of new media where the world of films must constantly reassess itself."
Patrick Duynslaegher (1953) started his career as film editor at Knack, a weekly magazine, where he soon became one of the most critical and competent opinion makers in the Belgian film world. In 2000 he became editor-in-chief of Knack Focus, which he turned into the leading entertainment magazine in Flanders. Patrick has written articles for both national and international publications (Sight & Sound, International Film Guide, Variety, Vrij Nederland, Film en Televisie, De Filmkrant, Man and Filmfan). He has also written two reference books on film (1000 Films: Knacks Filmencyclopedie and Blik op Zeven) and he has worked on several TV programmes for various TV channels. In the 1990s Patrick was a guest lecturer at the Karel De Grote Hogeschool. His lectures focused on Hitchcock and Film Noir. He is also a consultant for the Chicago International Film Festival and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Royal Belgian Film Archive. The appointment of Patrick Duynslaegher as Artistic Director of the Ghent Film Festival significantly strengthens the structure of this organisation. Together with business & operations director Filip Van Pottelberg and the festival's producer and programmer Wim De Witte, Patrick Duynslaegher will be responsible for the daily management of the non-profit organisation vzw Internationaal Filmfestival van Vlaanderen which organises the Ghent Film Festival. Wim De Witte will continue to take care of programming, but will now also have the opportunity to focus more on his new role as festival producer. Danielle Heynickx will continue to be part of the programming committee, with responsibility for guests and special events, while, from now on, Valerie Dobbelaere will manage music projects. The non-profit organisation vzw Internationaal Filmfestival van Vlaanderen has been organising the Ghent Film Festival since 1979. In 2010, the event attracted 132,000 visitors. In addition to impressive programming there is also a strong focus on new media, collaboration with other cultural players, exhibitions and film music. The yearly World Soundtrack Awards, which take place during the Festival, are an internationally-renowned event. The new festival team will be officially presented during the national press conference on 28 September, along with the programme for the 2011 edition. The 38th edition of the Ghent Film Festival is scheduled for 11 to 22 October.

