Video gallery 2021

23 Oct 2021
Relive the WSA Industry Days 2021 through our video gallery, including parts of the live concerts and Talks & Masterclasses!

Aftermovie World Soundtrack Awards 2021

Film Fest Gent concert Great Greek Composers: Evanthia Reboutsika - My Father and My Son

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Eleni Karaindrou - The Weeping Meadow

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Eleni Karaindrou - Eternity and a Day

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Dougal Kemp (Winner WSA Composition Contest)

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Max Richter - Mary Queen of Scots

World Soundtrack Awards 2021: Max Richter - The Leftovers

Film Music Seminar: Natalie Holt

Composer’s Talk: Max Richter

Composer's Talk: Nainita Desai

Composer’s Talk: Daniel Pemberton

Stephan Eicke: Masterclass How a Business Frustrates Its Creatives

Lesley Jackson: Masterclass Entering the Film Music Marketplace

Sketching with Music: Clara Sola