Vote now for your favourite soundtrack of the past year!

News 06 Jul 2012
Vote now for the 2012 World Soundtrack Public Choice Award! Take a look at the list of finalists compiled by the World Soundtrack Academy and pick your personal favourite of the past year. You can win a night at the Ghent Marriott Hotel and two VIP tickets to the 12th World Soundtrack Awards & Concert on October 20th at the Kuipke Event Centre in Ghent!
The 12th World Soundtrack Awards & Concert featuring music by such distinguished composers as James Newton Howard and Pino Donaggio marks the end of the 39th Ghent Film Festival. The programme includes an amazing selection of music from several films, including 'Snow White and the Huntsman', 'The Hunger Games', 'King Kong', 'The Sixth Sense', 'Dressed to Kill' and 'Body Double' and will be performed by the Brussels Philharmonic conducted by Dirk Brossé. As always the live music will be accompanied by scenes from the films. So how does it work? Go to, (select 'awards, public choice' in the left menu) take a look at the list of 100 films and pick your favourite soundtrack of the past year. The composer who gets the most votes will receive the Public Choice Award at the World Soundtrack Awards Ceremony on October 20th. You can vote until September 15th, 2012. PriceWaterhouseCoopers will count the ballots for the Public Choice Award. The Ghent Marriott Hotel is a world-class hotel and is even considered the second best Marriott hotel worldwide with a satisfaction rate of 95 percent. The Marriott has been the official Ghent Film Festival hotel for several years and all the festival's guests stay here. Do you want to experience the unique festival atmosphere at the hotel? Then vote now for your favourite soundtrack! Vote here! Tickets cost €29, €39 or €49 Tickets can be reserved at via this link. VIP tickets (1st category + reception) can be purchased for €75 via the link above. 12th World Soundtrack Awards & Concert Saturday 20 October at 8 p.m. at 't Kuipke in Ghent Performance by the Brussels Philharmonic conducted by Dirk Brossé accompanied by film scenes projected onto a big screen For more information feel free to contact Tom Heirbaut - Phone: (+32) (0)9 242 80 79 - E-mail: