Function: Composer WSAcademy: WSA Voting Member
Adiescar Chase has emerged as an exciting and distinctive composer and multi-instrumentalist working across a diverse range of projects, from television drama and film to video games and animation. Composing in a variety of contemporary musical styles, Adiescar brings a fresh and unique approach to her work.

Adiescar’s recent projects include two seasons of the immensely popular Netflix drama Heartstopper, directed by Euros Lyn and produced by See-Saw Films, the new Waterloo Road drama series, which returned to the BBC in 2023, the Channel 4 drama Consent and a collaboration with the legendary electronic artist Jean-Michel Jarre on his latest album.

Further work includes the BBC documentary Tommy Jessop Goes To Hollywood, and additional music for composer Jack Halama on Left Bank Pictures’ Who Is Erin Carter? and 20th Century Fox’s The Princess.

After graduating with a first class BMus (Hons) degree in composition at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 2017, Adiescar went on to study for a Masters in Composition for Film and Television at the National Film & Television School graduating in early 2021.