Function: Composer WSAcademy: WSA Voting Member

Award-winning film composer Guy Renardeau harmonizes a rich mix of genres, transcending borders with his distinctive musical prowess. Continuing his upward musical trajectory, seasoned artist, Guy Renardeau once again proves that he is a powerhouse in the realms of soundtrack, songwriting, EDM dance, pop, rock and ambient.

Renardeau, a multi-award-winning composer for film and television, has carved his niche with an illustrious career that spans continents. With tracks such as: “Hollywood Fashion,” “RockStar,” “The Iceman," “Snow White” (Hip-Hop Meets Orchestra) and “Loveless”, the eclectic artist delivers compelling narratives in his own distinct, iconic style.

Renardeau's brilliance extends to his approach in film music composition, where meticulous research and analysis precede the creation of a unique musical palette. As a Jury and Voting Member of prestigious events like the Grammy's, European Academy Awards and BAFTA. Renardeau's discerning taste sets him apart in the industry. With upcoming projects like the animated movie "Flup Hup! " in 2024, featuring KIA on vocals, and more film, "The Ambuscade" “Skrilla Manilla” and Roses on Canvas. Renardeau's future endeavours promise to enteral audiences globally.

In Guy Renardeau's world, music is life. From the age of five, the artist has been crafting melodies that transcend genres and captivate hearts. Renardeau's influence extends beyond film, having collaborated with well-known artists in the rock, dance, and fashion scenes, including The Heart of Hollywood.

At the heart of his creative universe lies the GR Music & Film Group studio, where he relentlessly composes and produces. Renardeau's versatility shines not only in film scores but also in the realm of animation movies, a venture he pursues with Apollo Kids. Renardeau's live performances showcase his mastery of various instruments, including the guitar, piano, bass, and his skills as a DJ. Collaborating with talents like singer KIA, Renardeau continues to push the boundaries of musical expression.

With a vision that firmly asserts "Music is life," Guy Renardeau remains an indomitable force, enriching the world with his soul-stirring compositions and paving the way for a harmonious future in the realms of film and beyond.

Stream the artist’s memorable musical compositions on Spotify, SoundCloud, and the artist’s official website-

Living in France and Maryland, music virtuoso and Dutch native Guy Renardeau, mesmerizes audiences with his infectious, magnetizing appeal. Holding a master's degree in composition, orchestral arrangement, sound design, piano, and guitar from prestigious institutions like the Hochschule für Music in Kõln, Germany, the Conservatory in Amsterdam, and the University of Chichester, England, Renardeau's journey reflects a global resonance.
The artist’s extensive travels across Europe, collaborating with renowned musicians and recording for EMI, Sony, and film producers, define his international musical footprint.

Founder of the GR Music & Film company, Renardeau's studios are hubs of creativity, offering full audio post-production services, original scoring in all genres, songwriting, music editing, and top-tier mixing and mastering facilities. His collaboration also includes esteemed names like Joe Kraemer (Mission Impossible, Jack Reacher) and Conrad Pope (orchestrator Henry Potter, Pinocchio, Godzilla and his collaboration with John Williams), Penka Kouneva and Paul Verhoeven (Basic Instinct, Elle, Steekspel) and Dimitrie Leivici.

Guy Renardeau
Company Name: GR Music & Film
Agent in Europe: ENORAMA Talent Agency for booking contact us:
Composer Agent: Psilopoulos Thanasis

Four orchestral film music compositions

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