Function: Publicist WSAcademy: WSA Voting Member
Journalist, registered with the National Order of Journalists, list of publicists, card no. 107720, after completing her university studies, with top marks, at the Faculty of Political Sciences, international focus, at La Sapienza University of Rome, she began her journalistic career at the editorial offices of Italian national newspapers, dedicating herself to the pages relating to cultural and artistic events.
Continuing her journalistic activity at Italian television stations (RAI3, TELE A) she became increasingly interested in the cinematographic sector, curating columns and programs relating to Cinema and TV. Subsequently, she specialized in the management of press offices, deepening her knowledge through specific High Professional Training Courses obtained at FORMEZ in collaboration with the Order of Journalists and the National Federation of the Italian Press, on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Public Function and Masters obtained at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.
In 2013, as a press officer, he began a solid collaboration with M° Umberto Scipione, an internationally renowned composer of soundtracks for cinema and TV, taking care of his Press Office by managing every aspect of communication relating to his soundtracks, the national and international awards he has received and his participation in film festivals in Italy and abroad. Specifically, he organizes press conferences, conducts interviews, prepares press releases, media monitoring, press reviews. In particular, he takes care of every aspect of the press campaigns relating to the releases on the big screen and on television of the films for which Umberto Scipione composes the soundtracks. Below are some highly successful films with the Maestro's soundtrack for which she managed the communication:
The Abusive Prince (2013)
A boss in the living room (2014)
Under a good star (2014)
Si Accettano Miracoli (2015)
Mister felicità (2017)
San Valentino Stories (2018)
The Most Beautiful Day in the World (2019)
Who Framed Santa Claus? (2021)
Friends forever (2022)
Through friendship (2023)
The War of the Grandparents (2023)
It happens even in the best families (2024)
She is currently involved in the communication campaign of the film "How to make mom and dad fight" with the soundtrack by Maestro Scipione, out in cinemas on September 12th. She is also taking care of the communication relating to the Maestro's candidacy for the WSA Public Choice Award 2024 for the Soundtrack of the film "La Guerra dei Nonni".